
Hi! I'm Remi. It's nice to meet you. 👋
I love video games... I have always had a burning passion for video games as a medium and their creation. Some of my fondest memories are playing Halo together with my father. I view games as a creativity rich vehicle for delivering the most impactful experiences imaginable through responsive gameplay, innovative software, and strong narrative.
About Me
Who am I?
I'm a formally trained game and game engine developer from Ottawa, Ontario, Canada. I
have previous experience in the security sector as general IT support and as a SOC
(Security Operations Center) analyst.
I graduated from Algonquin
College's Game
Development program where I learned strong programming principles and patterns
for modern C++ and C# development. I have also
studied Networking at
I'm a professionally taught programmer and designer with extensive practice across
many different digital mediums (video, graphic, 3D, audio, game, web, application).
I'm eager to learn new technologies! In my free-time I like tinkering and developing
new projects across various mixed programming languages. Some of my hobbies include
actually playing video games, cycling, and weightlifting! One of my proudest
achievements is that I've lost 100lbs+ and created healthy habits for myself that I'll
(hopefully) maintain for the rest of my life.
If you want a more in-depth view of my professional abilities and experience then
please take a look at my résumé!
What can I do?
I enjoy bringing to life fun ideas through code.
Languages I Speak:
- C++
- C#
- JavaScript
- JQuery
- Java
- Python
Development Tools:
- > Visual Studio 2017+
- > Visual Studio Code
- > Unity Engine
- > Unreal Engine
- > Terminal
I value aesthetic and programmatic cohesion.
What I Design:
- UX
- UI
- Website
- Applications
- Logos
- Gameplay
- Systems
Design Tools:
- > Adobe Creative Suite
- > Affinity Photo & Design
- > Draw.io
- > AutoDesk 3dsMax
Have something else you'd like to ask?
Connect with me!
Experience Timeline
Working at DND
I started consulting for the Canadian Government's Department of National Defence. I work on the MCSC (Military Command Software Center) team as a backend developer for software used by all members of the CAF (Canadian Armed Forces) My responsibilities include: Creating performant C++ application code, developing dynamic scalable PL/SQL queries, and modernizing dated code.
- C++
- Consulting
Graduated from Algonquin College
I graduated from Algonquin College's Game Development program as a part of Algonquin College's exclusive Simulation Lab (ACSL) team.
- C++
- C#
- Game Development
- Mathematics
- Education
Completed Mechroneer
I completed Mechroneer, my team's (Algonquin College Simulations Lab) capstone project. Mechroneer was used to display me and my team's understanding of alternative reality and mixed reality technologies in addition to traditional game fundamentals. Additionally, many of the technologies developed for Mechroneer were done so as prototypes for conventional usage outside of video-games... In the future the technologies I developed will be repurposed for use by Algonquin College for further application development.
- C#
- Management
- Networking
- Game Development
- Unity
Completed Blast Radius
My team and I completed our second year capstone project "Blast Radius". Blast Radius is a simple networked top-down arena shooter built upon Unreal Engine 4.3. This project taught us fundamental design and production philosophy for later use in our program (and professional careers).
- C++
- Management
- Networking
- Game Development
- Unreal Engine
Working at Red River
I started working as a general consultant for Red River Inc.
- C++
- C#
- Game Development
- Security
- Consulting
Attended Carleton University
I briefly attended Carleton University with a scholarship because of my proficiency in programming. At Carleton I took a Bachelor of Information Technology specializing in Networking. The program was cooperative with Algonquin College and I decided that I enjoyed the more active learning environment that Algonquin offered rather than the passive learning that Carleton provided.
- C#
- Management
- Networking
- Game Development
- Unity
Working at Phirelight
I worked at Phirelight Business Solutions Inc. as a SOC (Security Operations Center) Analyst and Generalist IT Support. During my time at Phirelight I learned many essential networking and security principles for creating secure environments to run our proprietary software.
- Terminal
- Networking
- Security
- IT
Years Old
Technical Skills
C++ is my native tongue. My entire post-secondary education career has held C++ as a core concept and it has been the sole language in my largest independent projects. My training emphasized pseudo code, object analysis, object design, object-oriented programming, data oriented design, class hierarchies, creating algorithms and memory management. I am actively developing in C++.
C# is my secondary language. Majority of my final year was dedicated to learning C# for use in my capstone project. I appreciate the depth that C# offers while maintaining relative simplicity. I am actively developing in C#.
Prior Experience
I've used Java in the past, and while it has been some time since I've actively developed using the language I am confident that I'd be able to pick it up again quickly.
(Unified Modeling
UML is the core of any major application that I've developed. Frequently I've been regarded as having a high standard for UML document quality among my peers. With my documentation knowledge comes a strong understanding of code architecture for large code-bases.
I have a strong understanding of HTML5 in conjunction with other popular tools and languages in a typical web development environment. I have a strong understanding of core UX design principles for use across any device or form factor. Additionally, I have experience with Bootstrap and integration of third-party software / API's.
I use CSS to create coherent styles for web interfaces. BEM (Block Element Modifier) convention is what I use to keep my classes clean and organized in addition to SASS / SCSS.
I use Javascript to power the front-end of any website that I design. When used in conjunction with JQuery Javascript is quickly becoming one of my favorite languages to work with.
I am currently using Oracle PL/SQL in my day to day for work designing quick and scalable database queries for integration into a C++ based frontend application.
OpenGL Shader Language
Prior Experience
I've used GLSL to design and develop simple game engines. I have a full understanding of the data orient design strategy required to successfully feed information into the renderer to achieve real-time 3D visuals in a lit environment. As mentioned, the shader required to visualize meshes provided multi-point lighting that I developed.
High-Level Shading Language
Prior Experience
HLSL has been used in all my Unity projects for all manners of shaders. Additionally my W.I.P game engine AGE implements DirectX 12 which enables the use of HLSL.
Server Management
I have extensive experience managing various servers for a myriad of tasks. From embedded traffic sniffers to web-servers, I have a sizable variety of different deployments under my belt. This website is hosted using a modern technology stack that include Digital-Ocean, Nginx, LetsEncrypt, Git, and more!
Tool Proficiency
Visual Studio
Visual Studio 2017 onward and Visual Studio Code are my bread and butter when it comes to programming. Regardless of the language or any additional tools, I aim to use what is appropriate for my development environment (Windows). I'm familiar with Visual Studio's debugging techniques and tools along with how projects are managed and maintained.
Unity Development Platform
I ❤️ Unity. I've designed and developed games and applications using the Unity Development Platform for maximum performance and user interactivity. The projects that I've worked on have included addition XR technologies such as VR & AR. I'm knowledgeable with the latest recommended practices and technologies for developing on the platform.
Unreal Engine
I've used Unreal Engine in the past to gain an understanding of working with large code-bases and developing networked games. Paired with my C++ knowledge, I find the Unreal Engine to be a very powerful tool for creating highly polished content.
Virtual Reality
I am familiar with Virtual Reality technologies. My past work involved development and design of various VR tools and games. Virtual Reality brings design complexities that I overcame when designing prototypes.
Augmented Reality
Prior Experience
I am familiar with Augmented Reality technologies. My school capstone project leveraged Unity's AR technologies to create an cross-platform (mobile / desktop) experience. AR technologies required considerably more design for interactions and mobile limitations.
Any mentioned project has been managed using Git. Working in teams or individually, I've had experience with both. I use Git frequently for personal project version control.
I use Docker to keep required services running, healthy, and scalable for development and personal use. I've used Docker and Docker-Compose files to deploy containers across different environments for various purposes.
Adobe Creative Suite
I have experience designing in a myriad of Adobe products. PhotoShop, Illustrator, InDesign, Premiere Pro, After Effects, Audition and DreamWeaver are the products I'm most familiar with. More importantly however, I am familiar with the "Adobe Charm".
This is not currently representative of all the projects I've worked on. I'm adding more to this website all the time.